Friday, September 12, 2008

Ready, Set - GO!

What was supposed to be a significant gathering of classmates turned out to be a small, but very productive meeting on August 30, 2008. With seven classmembers in attendance, decisions were made for the 30-year class reunion. The date of July 11, 2009 was chosen to "GET THE PARTY STARTED!" The plan includes an invitation to the Class of 1978 to join with us and to have a member of that class be the entertainment. Johnny Barron was selected as the band/group to provide our musical entertainment. The festivities will get underway on Friday night, July 10th for those that make it into Troy early. We will gather at the Pines Restaurant and catch-up. Depending on the number of people that plan to attend and (purchase their tickets), we may be able to have a small catered picnic on the CHHS campus and walk around a reminisce about 1979 and the changes that have taken place, not only on the campus, in Troy, but with us individually in the last 30 years. The Troy Country Club will provide the digs for dancing and fun on Saturday night. Johnny will play all of our favorite songs (both old and new) and we will see if some of us have learned how to dance in 30 years (LOL). It should be a fun time and a very sepcial time. So, be sure and mark your calendars, line up a baby sitter, get out that party dress and dancing shoes, make a beeline to Troy and "LET's DO THIS THING!"